index.php <?php define('FPDF_FONTPATH','./'); require('fpdf/fpdf.php'); $pdf=new FPDF(); // Add new font from the calligra.php file $pdf->AddFont('Calligrapher','','calligra.php'); //Add a new page $pdf->AddPage();…
You have to convert your columnWidth array to look like this: doc.autoTable({ html: '#table', columnStyles: { 0: {cellWidth: 100}, 1:…
You can use the useCss config option. This setting copies the basic CSS styles from one table to another.
const doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4'); doc.autoTable({ head: headerdata, // array of arrays theme: 'grid', body: bodydata, // arry…
The official Instagram login page is designed using HTML and CSS. In this tutorial, I'll provide you complete source code…
The official Facebook login page is written in HTML5 and CSS3 code. The HTML code for the Facebook home page…
Have you ever heard about AI voice actors? Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with it because today I'll show you…
Introduction: What is Schemats and Why Should You Care? Schemats is a tool that helps you automatically generate TypeScript interface…
Animation and transition effects play a vital role to enhance the UX of an app. Basically, Android is packed with…
If you were born in the decade of ’90s or even ‘2000 then you will definitely have the experience of…