Apply Linear Wipe Transition Effect Between Multiple Videos Using FFMPEG Command and xfade Filter

In this tutorial, I’ll give you an FFMPEG command that enables you to apply the linear wipe transition effect between multiple videos using xfade filter. You have to execute this FFMPEG command inside the command prompt or terminal.

Linear Wipe Transition Between Multiple Videos Using xfade Filter

Syntax/Format of Command

ffmpeg \
-i video1.mp4 \
-i video2.mp4 \
-filter_complex xfade=transition=<FADE_TYPE>:\


Here video1.mp4 is the first video and video2.mp4 is the second video

And in place of duration you can replace how much seconds you need to put of transition time

And in place of offset you need to replace the offset time in seconds

And then in place of fade_type you can replace many effects that xfade supports. They are listed are as follows

Linear Wipe filter :-> One such filter is Linear Wipe transition filter. The command will look something like this

wipeleft Transition using FFmpeg

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=wipeleft:duration=5:offset=0 wipeleftVideo.mp4

wiperight transition command in FFMPEG

ffmpeg -i inputVideo1.mp4 -i inputVideo2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=wiperight:duration=5:offset=0 wiperightVideo.mp4

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