Keys Control for 2 Players Car Racing Game in C++
- Use the ‘LEFT’ and ‘RIGHT’ arrows to control the right car.
- Use keys ‘A’ and ‘D’ to control the left car.
Note: Use Turbo C Compiler to run the program with all graphics libraries loaded.
C++ Multiplayer Car Racing Game Source Code
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<dos.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<time.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> #define LEFT 75 #define RIGHT 77 #define UP 72 #define DOWN 80 #define ENTER 13 #define ESC 27 #define A 65 #define SMALLA 97 #define D 68 #define SMALLD 100 struct highscore{ char name[7]; double score; }; class Car { public: float maxx, maxy, one3x, one4x, midx, midy, carTopHeight; float midRightLeft, midRightRight, carRightMid, midLeftLeft, midLeftRight, carLeftMid; int gameOver, level, speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4; double score, highScore; char highScorer[7]; int blocksRight[5][2], blocksCountRight; int blocksLeft[5][2], blocksCountLeft; int posRightCar, posLeftCar; // (1) Right , (0) Left char startingBlockAtRight; void initializeData(); void showTracks(int); void showCar(float); void initCarRight(); void initCarLeft(); void animateBlocks(); void initAnimate(); void animate(); void drawBlock(int, int); void displayBlocksRight(); void displayBlocksLeft(); void moveRightCarLeft(); void moveRightCarRight(); void moveLeftCarLeft(); void moveLeftCarRight(); void showBoomRight(float, float); void showBoomLeft(float, float); int checkGameOver(); void displayGameOver(); void showScore(); void readHighScore(); }; void Car::initializeData() { srand ( time(NULL) ); maxx=getmaxx()-170; maxy=getmaxy(); one4x=maxx/4; midx=maxx/2; midy = getmaxy()/2; one3x=3*maxx/4; /* track mid positions */ midRightLeft = (2*one4x+50+3*one4x+50)/2.0; midRightRight = (3*one4x+60+4*one4x+60)/2.0; midLeftLeft = (20+one4x+20)/2.0; midLeftRight = (one4x+30+2*one4x+30)/2.0; /**/ blocksRight[0][0] = 110; blocksLeft[0][0] = 110; for(int i=1;i<=4;i++){ blocksRight[i][0] = 0; blocksLeft[i][0] = 0; } blocksCountRight = 1; blocksCountLeft = 1; /* position of first block , random*/ if(rand()%2==0) blocksRight[0][1] = 0; else blocksRight[0][1] = 1; if(rand()%2==0) blocksLeft[0][1] = 0; else blocksLeft[0][1] = 1; /* */ posRightCar = 5; posLeftCar = 5; carTopHeight = maxy-145; gameOver = 0; level = 1; speed1 = 180; speed2 = 120; speed3 = 70; speed4 = 40; score = 0; highScorer[0]=' '; highScore=0; readHighScore(); } void Car::animate() { int x, i=0; while(!kbhit()) { srand ( time(NULL) ); x = i % 5 + 1; showTracks(x); initCarRight(); initCarLeft(); animateBlocks(); showScore(); if(checkGameOver()) { gameOver = 1; break; } switch(level) { case 1: delay(speed1); break; case 2: delay(speed2); break; case 3: delay(speed3); break; case 4: delay(speed4); break; } cleardevice(); i++; } } void Car::initAnimate() { char c; animate(); if(gameOver) displayGameOver(); else { c = getch(); if(c==0) { switch(getch()) { case LEFT: moveRightCarLeft(); break; case RIGHT: moveRightCarRight(); break; default: break; } } switch(c) { case ESC: exit(0); break; case A: moveLeftCarLeft(); break; case SMALLA: moveLeftCarLeft(); break; case D: moveLeftCarRight(); break; case SMALLD: moveLeftCarRight(); break; } initAnimate(); } } void Car::animateBlocks() { int tempBlocksCount; tempBlocksCount = blocksCountRight; // 0 position / distance 1 - Left(0) / Right(1) for(int i=tempBlocksCount-1;i>=0;i--) { blocksRight[i][0]+=10; blocksLeft[i][0]+=10; /* check for new block arrival */ if(blocksRight[i][0]>=210 && blocksRight[i+1][0] == 0) { blocksRight[i+1][0] = 20; // START NEW BLOCK FROM 20 HEIGHT if(rand()%2 == 0) blocksRight[i+1][1] = 0; else blocksRight[i+1][1] = 1; blocksCountRight++; } if(blocksLeft[i][0]>=210 && blocksLeft[i+1][0] == 0) { blocksLeft[i+1][0] = 20; // START NEW BLOCK FROM 20 HEIGHT if(rand()%2 == 0) blocksLeft[i+1][1] = 0; else blocksLeft[i+1][1] = 1; blocksCountLeft++; } /* */ /* check if block is gone out of screen height */ if(blocksRight[i][0]>=479) { for(int j=0;j<blocksCountRight-1;j++) { blocksRight[j][0] = blocksRight[j+1][0]; blocksRight[j][1] = blocksRight[j+1][1]; } blocksRight[j][0] = 0; blocksCountRight--; /* increment score */ score+=level*10; switch(level){ case 1: if(score>=2000) level++; break; case 2: if(score>=6000) level++; break; case 3: if(score>=15000) level++; break; default: break; } } if(blocksLeft[i][0]>=479) { for(int j=0;j<blocksCountLeft-1;j++) { blocksLeft[j][0] = blocksLeft[j+1][0]; blocksLeft[j][1] = blocksLeft[j+1][1]; } blocksLeft[j][0] = 0; blocksCountLeft--; /* increment score */ score+=level*10; switch(level) { case 1: if(score>=150) level++; break; case 2: if(score>=400) level++; break; case 3: if(score>=800) level++; break; default: break; } } /**/ } displayBlocksRight(); displayBlocksLeft(); } void Car::displayBlocksRight() { setcolor(RED); for(int i=0;i<blocksCountRight;i++) { if(blocksRight[i][1] == 0) drawBlock(midRightLeft, blocksRight[i][0]); else drawBlock(midRightRight, blocksRight[i][0]); } } void Car::displayBlocksLeft() { setcolor(BLUE); for(int i=0;i<blocksCountLeft;i++) { if(blocksLeft[i][1] == 0) drawBlock(midLeftLeft, blocksLeft[i][0]); else drawBlock(midLeftRight, blocksLeft[i][0]); } } void Car::drawBlock(int x, int y) { circle(x, y, 10); circle(x, y, 5); circle(x, y, 4); circle(x, y, 9); } void Car::showTracks(int init) { for ( int i = init;i < 70;i += 5 ) { // leftmost track setcolor( GREEN ); setfillstyle( 9, GREEN ); bar( 0, i * 8, 20, ( i + 2 ) * 8 ); bar( one4x+20, i * 8, one4x+30, ( i + 2 ) * 8 ); // left track setcolor( GREEN ); setfillstyle( 9, GREEN ); bar( 2*one4x+30, i * 8, 2*one4x+50, ( i + 2 ) * 8 ); // right track setcolor( GREEN ); setfillstyle( 9, GREEN ); bar( 3*one4x+50, i * 8, 3*one4x+60, ( i + 2 ) * 8 ); // rightmost track setcolor( GREEN ); setfillstyle( 9, GREEN ); bar( 4*one4x+60, i * 8, 4*one4x+80, ( i + 2 ) * 8 ); } } void Car::initCarRight() { if(posRightCar == 0 || posRightCar == 1) { if(posRightCar == 0) carRightMid = midRightLeft; else carRightMid = midRightRight; } else { if( rand()%2 == 0 ) { posRightCar = 0; carRightMid = midRightLeft; } else { posRightCar = 1; carRightMid = midRightRight; } } /* display the car */ showCar(carRightMid); showCar(carRightMid+1); /**/ } void Car::initCarLeft() { if(posLeftCar == 0 || posLeftCar == 1) { if(posLeftCar == 0) carLeftMid = midLeftLeft; else carLeftMid = midLeftRight; } else { if( rand()%2 == 0 ) { posLeftCar = 0; carLeftMid = midLeftLeft; } else { posLeftCar = 1; carLeftMid = midLeftRight; } } /* display the car */ showCar(carLeftMid); showCar(carLeftMid+1); /**/ } void Car::showCar(float mid) { if(mid<midx) setcolor(BLUE); else setcolor(RED); line(mid-15, maxy-100, mid-15, maxy-130); line(mid+15, maxy-100, mid+15, maxy-130); arc(mid, maxy-130, 0, 180, 15); // so the carTopHeight is maxy-130-15 = maxy-145 arc(mid, maxy-100, 180, 360, 15); if(mid<midx) setfillstyle( 1, BLUE ); else setfillstyle(1, RED); bar(mid-6, maxy-118, mid+6, maxy-112); line(mid-6, maxy-118, mid-9, maxy-125); line(mid+6, maxy-118, mid+9, maxy-125); line(mid-6, maxy-112, mid-9, maxy-105); line(mid+6, maxy-112, mid+9, maxy-105); arc(mid, maxy-125, 0, 180, 10); arc(mid, maxy-105, 180, 360, 10); } void Car::moveRightCarLeft(){ // if car is at right position then only move to left if(posRightCar == 1) { posRightCar = 0; showCar(midRightLeft); showCar(midRightLeft+1); } } void Car::moveLeftCarLeft(){ // if car is at right position then only move to left if(posLeftCar == 1) { posLeftCar = 0; showCar(midLeftLeft); showCar(midLeftLeft+1); } } void Car::moveRightCarRight(){ if(posRightCar == 0){ posRightCar = 1; showCar(midRightRight); showCar(midRightRight+1); } } void Car::moveLeftCarRight(){ if(posLeftCar == 0){ posLeftCar = 1; showCar(midLeftRight); showCar(midLeftRight+1); } } void Car::showBoomRight(float x, float y) { setcolor(6); line(x+4,y+3,x+4,y+4.5); line(x+4,y+4.5,x+6,y); line(x+6,y,x+9,y+4); line(x+9,y+4,x+16,y); line(x+16,y+0,x+16,y+4.8); line(x+16,y+4.8,x+20,y+4.7); line(x+20,y+4.7,x+13,y+5.5); line(x+13,y+5.5,x+20,y+8); line(x+20,y+8,x+9,y+7); line(x+9,y+7,x+6,y+10); line(x+6,y+10,x+4,y+7); line(x+4,y+7,x,y+8); line(x,y+8,x+5,y+5.5); line(x+5,y+5.5,x,y+3); } int Car::checkGameOver() { float boomRightY = 0, boomLeftY = 0, midRightCar=0, midLeftCar=0, boomRightX, boomLeftX; /* check if right car hit the block */ if( posRightCar == blocksRight[0][1] && ( carTopHeight <= blocksRight[0][0]+10 && blocksRight[0][0] <= carTopHeight+70) ) // 15, 15 - arc, 30 - line { if(blocksRight[0][0] > carTopHeight+15) { if(posRightCar == 0) { midRightCar = midRightLeft+20; boomRightX = midRightLeft+5; } else { midRightCar = midRightRight-20; boomRightX = midRightRight-10; } boomRightY = blocksRight[0][0]-5; } else { if(posRightCar == 0 ) { midRightCar = midRightLeft; boomRightX = midRightLeft-10; } else { midRightCar = midRightRight; boomRightX = midRightRight-10; } boomRightY = blocksRight[0][0]+5; } gameOver = 1; } /* check if left car hit the block */ if( posLeftCar == blocksLeft[0][1] && ( carTopHeight <= blocksLeft[0][0]+10 && blocksLeft[0][0] <= carTopHeight+70) ) { if(blocksLeft[0][0] > carTopHeight+15) { if(posLeftCar == 0) { midLeftCar = midLeftLeft+20; boomLeftX = midLeftLeft+5; } else { midLeftCar = midLeftRight-20; boomLeftX = midLeftRight-10; } boomLeftY = blocksLeft[0][0]-5; } else { if(posLeftCar == 0 ) { midLeftCar = midLeftLeft; boomLeftX = midLeftLeft-10; } else { midLeftCar = midLeftRight; boomLeftX = midLeftRight-10; } boomLeftY = blocksLeft[0][0]+5; } gameOver = 1; } if(gameOver) { cleardevice(); displayBlocksRight(); displayBlocksLeft(); showTracks(0); showScore(); if(midRightCar!=0) { showCar(midRightCar); showCar(midRightCar+1); } else { if(posRightCar == 0) { showCar(midRightLeft); showCar(midRightLeft+1); } else { showCar(midRightRight); showCar(midRightRight+1); } } if(midLeftCar!=0) { showCar(midLeftCar); showCar(midLeftCar+1); } else { if(posLeftCar == 0) { showCar(midLeftLeft); showCar(midLeftLeft+1); } else { showCar(midLeftRight); showCar(midLeftRight+1); } } /* display boom in the side where it hits block either of side or both side */ if(boomRightY!=0) { showBoomRight(boomRightX, boomRightY); showBoomRight(boomRightX+1, boomRightY); } if(boomLeftY!=0) { showBoomRight(boomLeftX, boomLeftY); showBoomRight(boomLeftX+1, boomLeftY); } /**/ return 1; } else return 0; } void Car::displayGameOver() { setcolor(RED); settextstyle( 3, 0, 7 ); outtextxy(midx-130, midy-65, "Game Over!"); /* save if its high score */ struct highscore s, ns; FILE *read, *write; read = fopen("highscore.txt","r"); if(read==NULL) { fclose(read); getch(); clrscr(); cleardevice(); s.score = score; cout<<endl<<endl<<"\t\t\tCongratulation you got highest score !"; cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<"\t\t\tEnter your name "; scanf("%s",&; write = fopen("highscore.txt", "w+"); fwrite(&s,sizeof(s),1,write); fclose(write); } else { fread(&s, sizeof(s),1, read); if(s.score<score) { getch(); clrscr(); cleardevice(); ns.score = score; cout<<endl<<endl<<"\t\t\tCongratulation you got highest score !"; cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<"\t\t\tEnter your name "; scanf("%s",&; write = fopen("highscore.txt", "w+"); fwrite(&ns,sizeof(s),1,write); fclose(write); } fclose(read); } /**/ cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<"\t\t\tPress ESC to exit ! "; while(getch() != ESC){} } void Car::showScore() { char buf[5]; setfillstyle(1, BLUE ); bar(maxx+110, 30, maxx+170, 50); setcolor(WHITE); sprintf( buf, "%.0f", score ); outtextxy(maxx+115, 40, buf ); /*level*/ setfillstyle(1, BROWN ); bar(maxx+110, 70, maxx+170, 90); setcolor(WHITE); sprintf( buf, "%d", level ); outtextxy(maxx+115, 80, buf ); /* high score */ if(highScore != 0) { setfillstyle(1, GREEN ); bar(maxx+110, 110, maxx+170, 130); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(maxx+115, 120, highScorer); setfillstyle(1, RED ); bar(maxx+110, 150, maxx+170, 170); setcolor(WHITE); sprintf( buf, "%.0f", highScore); outtextxy(maxx+115, 160, buf); } } void Car::readHighScore() { FILE *read; struct highscore s; read = fopen("highscore.txt","r"); if(read != NULL) { fread(&s, sizeof(s), 1, read); fclose(read); strcpy(highScorer,; highScore = s.score; } } void main() { clrscr(); float x,y,a,b,c; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); Car car; car.initializeData(); car.initAnimate(); }
C++ Multiplayer Car Racing Game Demo
![C++ Multiplayer Car Racing Game Demo](