jsPDF Autotable Tutorial: Give Different Widths to Columns & Rows of Table in PDF Document
You have to convert your columnWidth array to look like this: A point to be noted is that here we used columnStyles instead of styles.
jsPDF Autotable Tutorial: Copy CSS Styles of a Table to Another Table
You can use the useCss config option. This setting copies the basic CSS styles from one table to another.
Instagram Login Page HTML and CSS Code Download
The official Instagram login page is designed using HTML and CSS. In this tutorial, I’ll provide you complete source code of the Instagram login page. Images Used on Instagram Login Page Download these images by clicking the links given below. After downloading, place all these images inside the root directory of your project. Instagram logo … Read more
Facebook Login Page HTML and CSS Source Code (Free Download)
The official Facebook login page is written in HTML5 and CSS3 code. The HTML code for the Facebook home page is pretty simple. There aren’t any complicated elements or attributes that need to be used in order to create the page. So, in this tutorial, I’ll guide you on how to style/design it. Latest Facebook … Read more
Schemats Tutorial and Ultimate Guide For Beginners
Introduction: What is Schemats and Why Should You Care? Schemats is a tool that helps you automatically generate TypeScript interface definitions from SQL database schema. It completely supports popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) like MySQL and PostgreSQL. This Schemats Tutorial will help you get started and understand the basics of this amazing tool in … Read more
Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration Done Right
When we first started adopting Office 365, the major concern was over our tenants being on a shared service. To ensure security, Office 365 and other cloud technology providers placed controls that keep tenants separate. However, those same controls cause challenges at the time of mergers, acquisitions, or divestiture. Today, I’ll give you an overview … Read more