Being able to count the number of visitors on each web page of your website will definitely help you in multiple ways. The most important one is that it allows you to understand what people are looking for on your website. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you about how you can add a website visitor counter on your own website in a step by step manner.
I’ll be using PHP and MySQL for the basic functionality but also use a little bit HTML5 code to depict a real-world scenario.
Just in case you are new to the Web Development field and want to earn money by creating professional websites. Then, I would highly recommend you to take these courses from Udemy.
- The Complete 2021 PHP Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp
- Build a Social Network from Scratch: JavaScript + PHP + MySQL
- Create a Netflix clone from Scratch: JavaScript + PHP + MySQL
- Make a Spotify Clone from Scratch: JavaScript + PHP + MySQL
Anyways, let’s take a look at what you will be learning in this tutorial.
Table of Contents
- Basic functionality of this project
- Setup database and tables for website visitor counter
- Files and folder used in this tutorial
- Connect to database
- Create PHP functions to handle unique visitor counter
- Create few web pages to count visits
- Download website visitor counter
Basic functionality of this project
- It allows us to count total website views.
- It allows us to count number of visitors on a single web page.
- It makes use of visitor’s IP address to only count unique views.
Setup database and tables for website visitor counter
Basically we need a database for two purposes. First of all we will use it to store data for each web page of our website. Secondly we have to keep a record of previous visitors which help us figure out whether the new visitor is unique or not.
Let’s open your phpMyAdmin and create a database named “website_visitor_counter”. Or simply use the below SQL query.
CREATE DATABASE website_visitor_counter;
Now move on and add two tables “pages” and “page_views” in the newly created database. You can make use of the below SQL queries.
Use of each database table:-
- pages – This table is used to store total views of each web page.
- page_views – The main purpose of this database table is to maintain a record of every unique visit because we will need it in future to check whether the new visitor is unique or not.
In this tutorial we will be counting hits on three web pages. So, let’s add three rows in the “pages” table (one row for each web page). Use the below SQL INSERT query.
INSERT INTO pages (total_views) VALUES (0),(0),(0);
Files and folder used in this tutorial
- includes – (This folder is used to group files that are included in other files)
- db_connect.php – (This file is used to create database connection)
- functions.php – (This file is used to group all user-defined PHP functions)
- header.php – (This file contains the header of web page)
- footer.php – (This file contains the footer of web page)
- index.php – (Main page of website, only used to display total website views)
- page_1.php – (Contains code for first web page)
- page_2.php – (Contains code for second web page)
- page_3.php – (Contains code for third web page)
Create these files and folder before proceeding to next step.
Connect to database
Connecting to a MySQL database using PHP is a really simple and straightforward procedure. Copy/Paste the below PHP code inside your “db_connect.php” file and save it.
<?php $db_host = "localhost"; // Database Host $db_user = "root"; // Database User $db_pass = ""; // Database Password $db_name = "website_visitor_counter"; // Database Name $conn = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); // Connect to Database if(!$conn) // Check connection { die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); // Display error if not connected } ?>
A point to be noted is that you may need to change the values of above PHP variables according to your specific environment.
Create PHP functions to handle unique visitor counter
Now it’s time to take a look at the core part of this project where we will be creating three PHP functions to define the logic and handle the overall functionality of a website hit counter.
Here’s the contents of our “functions.php” file.
<?php function total_views($conn, $page_id = null) { if($page_id === null) { // count total website views $query = "SELECT sum(total_views) as total_views FROM pages"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if($row['total_views'] === null) { return 0; } else { return $row['total_views']; } } } else { return "No records found!"; } } else { // count specific page views $query = "SELECT total_views FROM pages WHERE id='$page_id'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if($row['total_views'] === null) { return 0; } else { return $row['total_views']; } } } else { return "No records found!"; } } } function is_unique_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM page_views WHERE visitor_ip='$visitor_ip' AND page_id='$page_id'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } function add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id) { if(is_unique_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id) === true) { // insert unique visitor record for checking whether the visit is unique or not in future. $query = "INSERT INTO page_views (visitor_ip, page_id) VALUES ('$visitor_ip', '$page_id')"; if(mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { // At this point unique visitor record is created successfully. Now update total_views of specific page. $query = "UPDATE pages SET total_views = total_views + 1 WHERE id='$page_id'"; if(!mysqli_query($conn, $query)) { echo "Error updating record: " . mysqli_error($conn); } } else { echo "Error inserting record: " . mysqli_error($conn); } } } ?>
Explanation of above created PHP functions:
- total_views($conn, $page_id = null) – This function is used to retrieve total views of website or a specific page in a website.
- is_unique_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id) – This function takes the visitor’s IP address and ID of a page to check whether the visitor has already viewed the page or not.
- add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id) – If the visitor is unique then this function will add his/her record inside the “page_views” table and also increment the “total_views” column of visited web page by one inside “pages” table.
Create few web pages to count visits
In this section we will be creating four web pages to count unique visitors on our website. The files used for these web pages are as follow:
- index.php
- page_1.php
- page_2.php
- page_3.php
Also remember that I’ve used two more files “header.php” and “footer.php” just to separate the header and footer section of our web pages. This way we will be able to reuse same code in multiple files and it makes it very easy to edit as we just need to modify one file.
Basically the “header.php” file contains few links to navigate on different web pages of this project. Here’s the code for this file.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Website Visitor Counter</title> </head> <body> <header> <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Main Page</a></li> <li><a href="page_1.php">Page 1</a></li> <li><a href="page_2.php">Page 2</a></li> <li><a href="page_3.php">Page 3</a></li> </ul> </header>
“footer.php” only contains few ending tags of our web pages. Check the code below:
</body> </html>
“index.php” file is just like the main/home page of a website. We will only use it to display total website views. Here’s the code for this file.
<?php require_once('includes/db_connect.php'); // Database connection file require_once('includes/functions.php'); // PHP functions file ?> <!-- header file --> <?php require_once('includes/header.php'); ?> <div> <?php $total_website_views = total_views($conn); // Returns total website views echo "<strong>Total Website Views:</strong> " . $total_website_views; ?> </div> <div style="color: red;">Note: This page only displays the total views of website.<div> <!-- footer file --> <?php require_once('includes/footer.php'); ?>
Does this code looks complex? Don’t worry! Let me explain…
- In first PHP block we are including two PHP files “db_connect.php” and “functions.php”.
- After that we include the header of our web page.
- Next we created a <div></div> element where we called the “total_views($conn)” function. You may have noticed that we have only provided one database connection variable as parameter, it’s because the second “page_id” parameter is optional. This way the function will return the total website views and store it inside the specified variable. After that we are outputting the value of that variable on screen.
- On next line I’ve simply displayed a note.
- At last the “footer.php” file is included in the web page.
“page_1.php”, “page_2.php” and “page_3.php” are like other web pages on a website. So, we are going to track them separately just to show you the correct method of how you should implement website visitor counter on your personal or business website.
<?php require_once('includes/db_connect.php'); // Database connection file require_once('includes/functions.php'); // PHP functions file $page_id = 1; $visitor_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // stores IP address of visitor in variable add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id); ?> <!-- header file --> <?php require_once('includes/header.php'); ?> <div> <?php $total_page_views = total_views($conn, $page_id); // Returns total views of this page echo "<strong>Total Views of this Page:</strong> " . $total_page_views; ?> </div> <!-- footer file --> <?php require_once('includes/footer.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('includes/db_connect.php'); // Database connection file require_once('includes/functions.php'); // PHP functions file $page_id = 2; $visitor_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // stores IP address of visitor in variable add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id); ?> <!-- header file --> <?php require_once('includes/header.php'); ?> <div> <?php $total_page_views = total_views($conn, $page_id); // Returns total views of this page echo "<strong>Total Views of this Page:</strong> " . $total_page_views; ?> </div> <!-- footer file --> <?php require_once('includes/footer.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('includes/db_connect.php'); // Database connection file require_once('includes/functions.php'); // PHP functions file $page_id = 3; $visitor_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // stores IP address of visitor in variable add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id); ?> <!-- header file --> <?php require_once('includes/header.php'); ?> <div> <?php $total_page_views = total_views($conn, $page_id); // Returns total views of this page echo "<strong>Total Views of this Page:</strong> " . $total_page_views; ?> </div> <!-- footer file --> <?php require_once('includes/footer.php'); ?>
“page_1.php”, “page_2.php” and “page_3.php” are almost similar to the “index.php” file with few exceptions.
- We are using a “$page_id” variable to store the ID of that specific page, we got this ID from the database table “pages”.
- After that we are using “$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]” to get the IP address of visitor.
- Now we simply pass the above two variables to our “add_view($conn, $visitor_ip, $page_id)” function.
- We also pass the “$page_id” variable to “total_views($conn, $page_id)” function, which will return total unique views of a specific web page.
The php website says that total_views() doesn’t exist!
Thanks, just getting back into web programming and this was a big help. Nice set of PHP code. It will work well for me and can be adapted to many uses. There are a lot of counters out there but this is better solution. I will be adapting it to a like / unlike counter as well. Counters that do not do the IP comparison are not as useful. Also when they count my visits to my page it gets unruly.
Thank you very much. This is really helpful and saved me much of my time.
Thank you so much.
( visitor_ip VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
O this was perfect. I made some changes to mine, but the core remains the same.
I will later convert his to a flatfile style for ease of moving site. but ya this was great.
(check it out here ) credit is in the webpage source
Thanks a lot.
This fails to get the records in the tables. Also, the connection does not work.
note: in official version this line does not work:
$conn = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); // Connect to Database
but this line, which I changed it to, does work:
$conn = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); // Connect to Database
Looks great, but how do you implement it? In my root directory I already have a file index.php, which is the site’s home page. Do I embed the text of your index.php file inside the homepage? I tried that, but it doesn’t seem to increment the views in the db.
yeah how do you implement this pls
pls help thanks
Thank you so much! It’s really very useful for me
You’re welcome Rajat. I’m pleased to hear that. 🙂
Replacing >>>
return “No records found!”;
by >>>
$query = “INSERT INTO pages (id, total_views) VALUES ($page_id, ‘1’)”;
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
will insert the page id and return “1” to counter, case it is a new page whose id is not previously listed in the table.
Hi, thanks for your code and explanation, it’s easy to understand for me, however i’ve a question, how to reset if new date? or maybe how to view how many visitor today,, not total,
thanks you very much
How can I delete automatically delete a userfrom database after five times of viewing the page
thank you man you saved me alot with this starlight forward code that is easily understandable and easy to implement
You’re welcome dear.
Bro thanks a lot, Live Long bro.
I need one more help bro,that is
I like to want total website views (that containing total pages views) for every one day, that is the total website views counter should reset to 0 at midnight 00.01Am of everyday and then it should count total website views(no of views for every pages) for the current day, more clearly i want total website views for every single day bro,
To do this what have to do, please help me bro, Thanks, waiting for your reply.
You can add a “datetime” column inside “page_views” database table and use it to determine total website views of any day you like.
Hello sir,
I need help more from your side that from your code I want to update after 10 minute so no umber of page will be update with same ip address
what I do ?
thanks in advance
Can a version of this Website Visitor Counter be made to use Firebase?
Hi Divanan,
I don’t have much knowledge about Firebase. But if you understand the basic idea behind creating website visitor counter than you can implement it anywhere you like.
Thank you, Muhammad Furqan Ul Haq.
I don’t understand the basic idea behind creating website visitor counter, because I don’t know much fancy HTML.
I uses Firebase with my Android apps on the App Inventor platform, which is fairly easy.
Anyways, I discovered this website via Facebook yesterday, & I must say that this site is the best place to learn HTML.
The tutorials thus far are easy to follow.
Other sites try to do what you guys are doing, but fail because they don’t know how to teach coding.
I have already implemented some of the code I learnt into my own website.
It may take a few years before I can workout how to create a simple visitor counter for my site… 🙂
Keep up to good work!
Hey Divanan,
Actually I’m unable to help you here because I never used Firebase and App Inventor platform.
Oh that’s great! I also manage a Facebook group regarding “Web Design and Development”.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, they are really motivating for me. Remember that I’ll be creating step by step courses on all programming languages that are related to Web Development. So stay tuned.