In this tutorial, I will teach you how to build an 8 Ball Pool Multiplayer Billiards Game Using JavaScript. The complete source code of the JavaScript 8 Ball Pool Game is given in this guide.
I have also added Live Demo and Download buttons at the end of this tutorial, so you can easily download the code of this 8 Ball Pool game with a single click. You can try it yourself on your computer by downloading the code or even play it online using the Live Demo.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF8"> <title>Classic Pool Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/game-layout.css"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="assets/sprites/favicon.png"/> <script src="script/lib/LAB.min.js"></script> <script> $LAB .script('script/system/Keys.js').wait() .script('script/system/Color.js').wait() .script('script/geom/Vector2.js').wait() .script('script/input/ButtonState.js').wait() .script('script/input/Keyboard.js').wait() .script('script/input/Mouse.js').wait() .script('script/Global.js').wait() .script('script/Canvas2D.js').wait() .script('script/game_objects/Score.js').wait() .script('script/game_objects/Ball.js').wait() .script('script/game_objects/Stick.js').wait() .script('script/menu/Label.js').wait() .script('script/menu/Button.js').wait() .script('script/menu/Menu.js').wait() .script('script/menu/MainMenu.js').wait() .script('script/AI/Opponent.js').wait() .script('script/AI/AIPolicy.js').wait() .script('script/AI/AITrainer.js').wait() .script('script/game_objects/Player.js').wait() .script('script/GamePolicy.js').wait() .script('script/GameWorld.js').wait() .script('script/Game.js').wait() .script('script/Assets.js').wait(function () { Game.start('gameArea','screen', 1500, 825); }); </script> </head> <body style = "background-color:black"> <div id="gameArea"> <canvas id="screen" width="2000" height="1000"></canvas> </div> </body> </html>
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function AIPolicy(){ } AIPolicy.prototype.evaluate = function(state, gamePolicy){ let evaluation = 1; for (var i = 0 ; i < state.balls.length; i++){ for(var j = i + 1 ; j < state.balls.length ; j++){ let firstBall = state.balls[i]; let secondBall = state.balls[j]; if(firstBall === state.whiteBall || secondBall === state.whiteBall || firstBall.inHole || secondBall.inHole){ continue; } evaluation += firstBall.position.distanceFrom(secondBall.position); } } evaluation = evaluation/5800; if(!gamePolicy.firstCollision){ evaluation+= 100; } evaluation += 2000 * gamePolicy.validBallsInsertedOnTurn; gamePolicy.updateTurnOutcome(); if(gamePolicy.won){ if(!gamePolicy.foul){ evaluation += 10000; } else{ evaluation -= 10000; } } if(gamePolicy.foul){ evaluation = evaluation - 3000; } return evaluation; }
function AITrainer(){ this.AIPolicy = new AIPolicy(); } AITrainer.prototype.init = function(state, gamePolicy){ AI.opponents = []; AI.currentOpponent = new Opponent(); AI.finishedSession = true; AI.iteration = 0; AI.bestOpponentIndex = 0; AI.bestOpponentEval = 0; if(gamePolicy.foul){ //TO DO: Pick best position for the white ball. state.whiteBall.position.x = 413; state.whiteBall.position.y = 413; state.whiteBall.inHole = false; gamePolicy.foul = false; } AI.initialState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)); AI.initialGamePolicyState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(gamePolicy)); AI.state = state; AI.gamePolicy = gamePolicy; } AITrainer.prototype.train = function(){ if(AI.iteration === TRAIN_ITER){ AI.finishedSession = true; AI.playTurn(); return; } let ballsMoving = AI.state.ballsMoving(); if(!ballsMoving){ if(AI.iteration !== 0){ AI.currentOpponent.evaluation = AI.AIPolicy.evaluate(this.state, this.gamePolicy); AI.opponents.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(AI.currentOpponent))); if(AI.currentOpponent.evaluation > AI.bestOpponentEval){ AI.bestOpponentEval = AI.currentOpponent.evaluation; AI.bestOpponentIndex = AI.opponents.length - 1; } if(LOG){ console.log('-------------'+new Number(AI.iteration+1)+'--------------------'); console.log('Current evaluation: ' + AI.currentOpponent.evaluation); console.log('Current power: ' + AI.currentOpponent.power); console.log('Current rotation: ' + AI.currentOpponent.rotation); console.log('---------------------------------'); } } AI.state.initiateState(AI.initialState.balls); AI.gamePolicy.initiateState(AI.initialGamePolicyState); AI.buildNewOpponent(); AI.simulate(); } } AITrainer.prototype.buildNewOpponent = function(){ if(AI.iteration % 10 === 0){ AI.currentOpponent = new Opponent(); AI.iteration++; return; } let bestOpponent = AI.opponents[AI.bestOpponentIndex]; let newPower = bestOpponent.power; newPower += + ((Math.random() * 30) - 15); newPower = newPower < 20 ? 20 : newPower; newPower = newPower > 75 ? 75 : newPower; let newRotation = bestOpponent.rotation; if(bestOpponent.evaluation > 0){ newRotation += (1/bestOpponent.evaluation)*(Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI) } else{ newRotation = (Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI); } AI.currentOpponent = new Opponent(newPower,newRotation); AI.iteration++; } AITrainer.prototype.simulate = function(){ AI.state.stick.shoot(AI.currentOpponent.power, AI.currentOpponent.rotation); } AITrainer.prototype.playTurn = function(){ bestOpponent = AI.opponents[AI.bestOpponentIndex]; Game.gameWorld.stick.rotation = bestOpponent.rotation; Game.gameWorld.stick.trackMouse = false; setTimeout(() => { Game.gameWorld.stick.visible = true; Canvas2D.clear(); Game.gameWorld.draw(); Game.sound = true; Game.gameWorld.initiateState(AI.initialState.balls); Game.policy.initiateState(AI.initialGamePolicyState); DISPLAY = true; requestAnimationFrame(Game.mainLoop); Game.gameWorld.stick .shoot( bestOpponent.power, bestOpponent.rotation ); Game.gameWorld.stick.trackMouse = true; }, 1000); } AITrainer.prototype.opponentTrainingLoop = function(){ Game.sound = false; DISPLAY = false; if(DISPLAY_TRAINING){ if(!AI.finishedSession){ AI.train(); Game.gameWorld.handleInput(DELTA); Game.gameWorld.update(DELTA); Canvas2D.clear(); Game.gameWorld.draw(); Mouse.reset(); setTimeout(AI.opponentTrainingLoop,0.00000000001); } } else{ while(!AI.finishedSession){ AI.train(); Game.gameWorld.handleInput(DELTA); Game.gameWorld.update(DELTA); Mouse.reset(); } } } AITrainer.prototype.startSession = function(){ setTimeout( ()=>{ Game.gameWorld.stick.visible = false; Canvas2D.clear(); Game.gameWorld.draw(); AI.init(Game.gameWorld, Game.policy); AI.finishedSession = false; AI.opponentTrainingLoop(); }, 1000 ); } const AI = new AITrainer();
function Opponent(power, rotation){ this.power = power || (Math.random() * 75 + 1); this.rotation = rotation || (Math.random()*6.283)-3.141; this.evaluation = 0; }
"use strict"; function Ball(initPos,color){ this.initPos = initPos; this.position = initPos.copy(); this.origin = new Vector2(25,25); this.velocity =; this.color = color; this.moving = false; this.visible = true; this.inHole = false; } Object.defineProperty(Ball.prototype, "color", { get: function(){ if(this.sprite == sprites.redBall){ return; } else if(this.sprite == sprites.yellowBall){ return Color.yellow; } else if(this.sprite == sprites.blackBall){ return; } else{ return Color.white; } }, set: function (value) { if (value ==={ this.sprite = sprites.redBall; } else if(value == Color.yellow){ this.sprite = sprites.yellowBall; } else if(value =={ this.sprite = sprites.blackBall; } else{ this.sprite = sprites.ball; } } }); Ball.prototype.shoot = function(power, angle){ if(power <= 0) return; this.moving = true; this.velocity = calculateBallVelocity(power,angle); } var calculateBallVelocity = function(power, angle){ return new Vector2(100*Math.cos(angle)*power,100*Math.sin(angle)*power); } Ball.prototype.update = function(delta){ this.updatePosition(delta); this.velocity.multiplyWith(0.98); if(this.moving && Math.abs(this.velocity.x) < 1 && Math.abs(this.velocity.y) < 1){ this.stop(); } } Ball.prototype.updatePosition = function(delta){ if(!this.moving || this.inHole) return; var ball = this; var newPos = this.position.add(this.velocity.multiply(delta)); if(Game.policy.isInsideHole(newPos)){ if(Game.sound && SOUND_ON){ var holeSound = sounds.hole.cloneNode(true); holeSound.volume = 0.5;; } this.position = newPos; this.inHole = true; setTimeout(function(){ball.visible=false;ball.velocity =;}, 100); Game.policy.handleBallInHole(this); return; } var collision = this.handleCollision(newPos); if(collision){ this.velocity.multiplyWith(0.95); }else{ this.position = newPos; } } Ball.prototype.handleCollision = function(newPos){ var collision = false; if(Game.policy.isXOutsideLeftBorder(newPos, this.origin)){ this.velocity.x = -this.velocity.x; this.position.x = Game.policy.leftBorderX + this.origin.x; collision = true; } else if(Game.policy.isXOutsideRightBorder(newPos, this.origin)){ this.velocity.x = -this.velocity.x; this.position.x = Game.policy.rightBorderX - this.origin.x; collision = true; } if(Game.policy.isYOutsideTopBorder(newPos, this.origin)){ this.velocity.y = -this.velocity.y; this.position.y = Game.policy.topBorderY + this.origin.y; collision = true; } else if(Game.policy.isYOutsideBottomBorder(newPos, this.origin)){ this.velocity.y = -this.velocity.y; this.position.y = Game.policy.bottomBorderY - this.origin.y; collision = true; } return collision; } Ball.prototype.stop = function(){ this.moving = false; this.velocity =; } Ball.prototype.reset = function(){ this.inHole = false; this.moving = false; this.velocity =; this.position = this.initPos; this.visible = true; } Ball.prototype.out = function(){ this.position = new Vector2(0, 900); this.visible = false; this.inHole = true; } Ball.prototype.draw = function () { if(!this.visible) return; Canvas2D.drawImage(this.sprite, this.position, 0, 1, new Vector2(25,25)); };
function Player(matchScore, totalScore){ this.color = undefined; this.matchScore = matchScore; this.totalScore = totalScore; }
"use strict"; function Score(position){ this.position = position; this.origin = new Vector2(47,82); this.value = 0; } Score.prototype.reset = function(){ this.position = position; this.origin = new Vector2(30,0); this.value = 0; }; Score.prototype.draw = function () { Canvas2D.drawText( this.value, this.position, this.origin, "#096834", "top", "Impact", "200px" ); }; Score.prototype.drawLines = function (color) { for(let i=0; i<this.value; i++){ let pos = this.position.add(new Vector2(i*15,0)); Canvas2D.drawText( "I", pos, this.origin, color, "top", "Arial", "20px" ); } }; Score.prototype.increment = function(){ this.value++; };
"use strict"; function Stick(position){ this.position = position; this.origin = new Vector2(970,11); this.shotOrigin = new Vector2(950,11); this.shooting = false; this.visible = true; this.rotation = 0; this.power = 0; this.trackMouse = true; } Stick.prototype.handleInput = function (delta) { if(AI_ON && Game.policy.turn === AI_PLAYER_NUM) return; if(Game.policy.turnPlayed) return; if(Keyboard.down(Keys.W) && KEYBOARD_INPUT_ON){ if(this.power < 75){ this.origin.x+=2; this.power+=1.2; } } if(Keyboard.down(Keys.S) && KEYBOARD_INPUT_ON){ if(this.power>0){ this.origin.x-=2; this.power-=1.2; } } else if (this.power>0 && Mouse.left.down){ var strike = sounds.strike.cloneNode(true); strike.volume = (this.power/(10))<1?(this.power/(10)):1;; Game.policy.turnPlayed = true; this.shooting = true; this.origin = this.shotOrigin.copy(); Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.shoot(this.power, this.rotation); var stick = this; setTimeout(function(){stick.visible = false;}, 500); } else if(this.trackMouse){ var opposite = Mouse.position.y - this.position.y; var adjacent = Mouse.position.x - this.position.x; this.rotation = Math.atan2(opposite, adjacent); } }; Stick.prototype.shoot = function(power, rotation){ this.power = power; this.rotation = rotation; if(Game.sound && SOUND_ON){ var strike = sounds.strike.cloneNode(true); strike.volume = (this.power/(10))<1?(this.power/(10)):1;; } Game.policy.turnPlayed = true; this.shooting = true; this.origin = this.shotOrigin.copy(); Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.shoot(this.power, this.rotation); var stick = this; setTimeout(function(){stick.visible = false;}, 500); } Stick.prototype.update = function(){ if(this.shooting && !Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.moving) this.reset(); }; Stick.prototype.reset = function(){ this.position.x = Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.position.x; this.position.y = Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.position.y; this.origin = new Vector2(970,11); this.shooting = false; this.visible = true; this.power = 0; }; Stick.prototype.draw = function () { if(!this.visible) return; Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.stick, this.position,this.rotation,1, this.origin); };
"use strict"; function Vector2(x, y) { this.x = typeof x !== 'undefined' ? x : 0; this.y = typeof y !== 'undefined' ? y : 0; } Object.defineProperty(Vector2, "zero", { get: function () { return new Vector2(); } }); Object.defineProperty(Vector2.prototype, "isZero", { get: function () { return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0; } }); Object.defineProperty(Vector2.prototype, "length", { get: function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } }); Vector2.prototype.addTo = function (v) { if (v.constructor === Vector2) { this.x += v.x; this.y += v.y; } else if (v.constructor === Number) { this.x += v; this.y += v; } return this; }; Vector2.prototype.add = function (v) { var result = this.copy(); return result.addTo(v); }; Vector2.prototype.subtractFrom = function (v) { if (v.constructor === Vector2) { this.x -= v.x; this.y -= v.y; } else if (v.constructor === Number) { this.x -= v; this.y -= v; } return this; }; Vector2.prototype.subtract = function (v) { var result = this.copy(); return result.subtractFrom(v); }; Vector2.prototype.divideBy = function (v) { if (v.constructor === Vector2) { this.x /= v.x; this.y /= v.y; } else if (v.constructor === Number) { this.x /= v; this.y /= v; } return this; }; Vector2.prototype.divide = function (v) { var result = this.copy(); return result.divideBy(v); }; Vector2.prototype.multiplyWith = function (v) { if (v.constructor === Vector2) { this.x *= v.x; this.y *= v.y; } else if (v.constructor === Number) { this.x *= v; this.y *= v; } return this; }; Vector2.prototype.multiply = function (v) { var result = this.copy(); return result.multiplyWith(v); }; Vector2.prototype.toString = function () { return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")"; }; Vector2.prototype.normalize = function () { var length = this.length; if (length === 0) return; this.divideBy(length); }; Vector2.prototype.copy = function () { return new Vector2(this.x, this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.equals = function (obj) { return this.x === obj.x && this.y === obj.y; }; Vector2.prototype.distanceFrom = function(obj){ return Math.sqrt((this.x-obj.x)*(this.x-obj.x) + (this.y-obj.y)*(this.y-obj.y)); }
"use strict"; function ButtonState() { this.down = false; this.pressed = false; }
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function Button(sprite, position, callback, hoverSprite){ this.sprite = sprite; this.hoverSprite = hoverSprite ? hoverSprite : sprite; this.position = position; this.callback = callback; } Button.prototype.draw = function(){ if(this.mouseInsideBorders()){ Canvas2D.drawImage(this.hoverSprite, this.position, 0, 1); = "pointer"; } else{ Canvas2D.drawImage(this.sprite, this.position, 0, 0.98); } } Button.prototype.handleInput = function(){ if(Mouse.left.pressed && this.mouseInsideBorders()){ this.callback(); } } Button.prototype.mouseInsideBorders = function(){ mousePos = Mouse.position; if(mousePos.x > this.position.x && mousePos.x < this.position.x + this.sprite.width && mousePos.y > this.position.y && mousePos.y < this.position.y + this.sprite.height ){ return true; } return false; }
function Label(text, position, origin, color, textAlign, fontname, fontsize){ this.text = typeof text !== 'undefined' ? text : ''; this.position = typeof position !== 'undefined' ? position :; this.origin = typeof origin !== 'undefined' ? origin :; this.color = typeof color !== 'undefined' ? color :; this.textAlign = typeof textAlign !== 'undefined' ? textAlign : "top"; this.fontname = typeof fontname !== 'undefined' ? fontname : "Courier New"; this.fontsize = typeof fontsize !== 'undefined' ? fontsize : "20px"; } Label.prototype.draw = function(){ Canvas2D.drawText( this.text, this.position, this.origin, this.color, this.textAlign, this.fontname, this.fontsize ); }
function generateMainMenuLabels(headerText){ let labels = [ new Label( headerText, new Vector2(100,0),, "white", "left", "Bookman", "100px" ), new Label( "© 2018 Chen Shmilovich", new Vector2(1250,700),, "white", "left", "Bookman", "20px" ) ]; return labels; } function generateMainMenuButtons(inGame){ let buttons = []; let dev = 0; if(inGame){ dev = 200; buttons.push( new Button ( // CONTINUE BUTTON sprites.continueButton, new Vector2(200,200), function(){ = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.continueGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.continueButtonHover ) ) } let muteSprite = sprites.muteButton; let muteSpriteHover = sprites.muteButtonHover; if(Game.mainMenu.sound && Game.mainMenu.sound.volume === 0){ muteSprite = sprites.muteButtonPressed; muteSpriteHover = sprites.muteButtonPressedHover; } let muteButton = new Button ( // MUTE BUTTON muteSprite, new Vector2(1430,10), function(){ if(Game.mainMenu.sound.volume == 0){ SOUND_ON = true; Game.mainMenu.sound.volume = 0.8; this.sprite = sprites.muteButton; this.hoverSprite = sprites.muteButtonHover; } else{ SOUND_ON = false; Game.mainMenu.sound.volume = 0.0; this.sprite = sprites.muteButtonPressed; this.hoverSprite = sprites.muteButtonPressedHover; } }, muteSpriteHover ); let backButton = new Button ( //BACK sprites.backButton, new Vector2(100,150), function(){ Game.mainMenu.labels = generateMainMenuLabels("Classic 8-Ball"); Game.mainMenu.buttons = generateMainMenuButtons(inGame); }, sprites.backButtonHover ); buttons = buttons.concat([ new Button ( // PLAYER vs PLAYER sprites.twoPlayersButton, new Vector2(200,dev+200), function(){ AI_ON = false; = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.startNewGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.twoPlayersButtonHover ), new Button ( // PLAYER vs COMPUTER sprites.onePlayersButton, new Vector2(200,dev+400), function(){ Game.mainMenu.labels = generateMainMenuLabels("Choose Difficulty"); Mouse.reset(); Game.mainMenu.buttons = [ new Button ( //EASY sprites.easyButton, new Vector2(200,150), function(){ AI_PLAYER_NUM = 1; AI_ON = true; TRAIN_ITER = 30; = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.startNewGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.easyButtonHover ), new Button ( //MEDIUM sprites.mediumButton, new Vector2(200,300), function(){ AI_PLAYER_NUM = 1; AI_ON = true; TRAIN_ITER = 50; = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.startNewGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.mediumButtonHover ), new Button ( //HARD sprites.hardButton, new Vector2(200,450), function(){ AI_PLAYER_NUM = 1; AI_ON = true; TRAIN_ITER = 100; = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.startNewGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.hardButtonHover ), new Button ( //INSANE sprites.insaneButton, new Vector2(200,600), function(){ AI_PLAYER_NUM = 0; AI_ON = true; TRAIN_ITER = 700; = false; GAME_STOPPED = false; setTimeout(Game.startNewGame,200); sounds.fadeOut(Game.mainMenu.sound); }, sprites.insaneButtonHover ), muteButton, backButton ]; }, sprites.onePlayersButtonHover ), muteButton ]); return buttons; }
function Menu(){ } Menu.prototype.init = function ( backgroundSprite, labels, buttons, sound ){ this.background = backgroundSprite; this.labels = labels || []; this.buttons = buttons || []; this.sound = sound ? sound : undefined; = false; } Menu.prototype.load = function(){ this.sound.currentTime = 0; = true; requestAnimationFrame(this.menuLoop.bind(this)); if(SOUND_ON){ this.sound.volume = 0.8; }; } Menu.prototype.draw = function(){ = "auto"; Canvas2D.drawImage( this.background,, 0, 1, ); for(let i = 0 ; i < this.labels.length ; i++){ this.labels[i].draw(); } for(let i = 0 ; i < this.buttons.length ; i++){ this.buttons[i].draw(); } } Menu.prototype.handleInput = function(){ for(let i = 0 ; i < this.buttons.length ; i++){ this.buttons[i].handleInput(); } } Menu.prototype.menuLoop = function(){ if({ this.handleInput(); Canvas2D.clear(); this.draw(); Mouse.reset(); requestAnimationFrame(this.menuLoop.bind(this)); } }
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"use strict"; var sprites = {}; var sounds = {}; Game.loadAssets = function () { var loadSprite = function (sprite) { return Game.loadSprite("assets/sprites/" + sprite); }; var loadSound = function (sound) { return new Audio("assets/sounds/" + sound); }; sprites.mainMenuBackground = loadSprite("main_menu_background.png"); sprites.background = loadSprite("spr_background4.png"); sprites.ball = loadSprite("spr_ball2.png"); sprites.redBall = loadSprite("spr_redBall2.png"); sprites.yellowBall = loadSprite("spr_yellowBall2.png"); sprites.blackBall = loadSprite("spr_blackBall2.png"); sprites.stick = loadSprite("spr_stick.png"); sprites.twoPlayersButton = loadSprite("2_players_button.png"); sprites.twoPlayersButtonHover = loadSprite("2_players_button_hover.png"); sprites.onePlayersButton = loadSprite("1_player_button.png"); sprites.onePlayersButtonHover = loadSprite("1_player_button_hover.png"); sprites.muteButton = loadSprite("mute_button.png"); sprites.muteButtonHover = loadSprite("mute_button_hover.png"); sprites.muteButtonPressed = loadSprite("mute_button_pressed.png"); sprites.muteButtonPressedHover = loadSprite("mute_button_pressed_hover.png"); sprites.easyButton = loadSprite("easy_button.png"); sprites.easyButtonHover = loadSprite("easy_button_hover.png"); sprites.mediumButton = loadSprite("medium_button.png"); sprites.mediumButtonHover = loadSprite("medium_button_hover.png"); sprites.hardButton = loadSprite("hard_button.png"); sprites.hardButtonHover = loadSprite("hard_button_hover.png"); sprites.backButton = loadSprite("back_button.png"); sprites.backButtonHover = loadSprite("back_button_hover.png"); sprites.continueButton = loadSprite("continue_button.png"); sprites.continueButtonHover = loadSprite("continue_button_hover.png"); sprites.insaneButton = loadSprite("insane_button.png"); sprites.insaneButtonHover = loadSprite("insane_button_hover.png"); sprites.aboutButton = loadSprite("about_button.png"); sprites.aboutButtonHover = loadSprite("about_button_hover.png"); sprites.controls = loadSprite("controls.png"); sounds.side = loadSound("Side.wav"); sounds.ballsCollide = loadSound("BallsCollide.wav"); sounds.strike = loadSound("Strike.wav"); sounds.hole = loadSound("Hole.wav"); // Bossa Antigua Kevin MacLeod ( // Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License // sounds.jazzTune = loadSound("Bossa Antigua.mp3"); } sounds.fadeOut = function(sound) { var fadeAudio = setInterval(function () { if(GAME_STOPPED) return; // Only fade if past the fade out point or not at zero already if ((sound.volume >= 0.05)) { sound.volume -= 0.05; } else{ sound.pause(); clearInterval(fadeAudio); } }, 400); }
"use strict"; function Canvas2D_Singleton() { this._canvas = null; this._canvasContext = null; this._canvasOffset =; } Object.defineProperty(Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype, "offset", { get: function () { return this._canvasOffset; } }); Object.defineProperty(Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype, "scale", { get: function () { return new Vector2(this._canvas.width / Game.size.x, this._canvas.height / Game.size.y); } }); Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.initialize = function (divName, canvasName) { this._canvas = document.getElementById(canvasName); this._div = document.getElementById(divName); if (this._canvas.getContext) this._canvasContext = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); else { alert('Your browser is not HTML5 compatible.!'); return; } window.onresize = Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.resize; this.resize(); }; Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.clear = function () { this._canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); }; Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.resize = function () { var gameCanvas = Canvas2D._canvas; var gameArea = Canvas2D._div; var widthToHeight = Game.size.x / Game.size.y; var newWidth = window.innerWidth; var newHeight = window.innerHeight; var newWidthToHeight = newWidth / newHeight; if (newWidthToHeight > widthToHeight) { newWidth = newHeight * widthToHeight; } else { newHeight = newWidth / widthToHeight; } = newWidth + 'px'; = newHeight + 'px'; = (window.innerHeight - newHeight) / 2 + 'px'; = (window.innerWidth - newWidth) / 2 + 'px'; = (window.innerHeight - newHeight) / 2 + 'px'; = (window.innerWidth - newWidth) / 2 + 'px'; gameCanvas.width = newWidth; gameCanvas.height = newHeight; var offset =; if (gameCanvas.offsetParent) { do { offset.x += gameCanvas.offsetLeft; offset.y += gameCanvas.offsetTop; } while ((gameCanvas = gameCanvas.offsetParent)); } Canvas2D._canvasOffset = offset; }; Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.drawImage = function (sprite, position, rotation, scale, origin) { var canvasScale = this.scale; position = typeof position !== 'undefined' ? position :; rotation = typeof rotation !== 'undefined' ? rotation : 0; scale = typeof scale !== 'undefined' ? scale : 1; origin = typeof origin !== 'undefined' ? origin :;; this._canvasContext.scale(canvasScale.x, canvasScale.y); this._canvasContext.translate(position.x, position.y); this._canvasContext.rotate(rotation); this._canvasContext.drawImage(sprite, 0, 0, sprite.width, sprite.height, -origin.x * scale, -origin.y * scale, sprite.width * scale, sprite.height * scale); this._canvasContext.restore(); }; Canvas2D_Singleton.prototype.drawText = function (text, position, origin, color, textAlign, fontname, fontsize) { var canvasScale = this.scale; position = typeof position !== 'undefined' ? position :; origin = typeof origin !== 'undefined' ? origin :; color = typeof color !== 'undefined' ? color :; textAlign = typeof textAlign !== 'undefined' ? textAlign : "top"; fontname = typeof fontname !== 'undefined' ? fontname : "sans-serif"; fontsize = typeof fontsize !== 'undefined' ? fontsize : "20px";; this._canvasContext.scale(canvasScale.x, canvasScale.y); this._canvasContext.translate(position.x - origin.x, position.y - origin.y); this._canvasContext.textBaseline = 'top'; this._canvasContext.font = fontsize + " " + fontname; this._canvasContext.fillStyle = color.toString(); this._canvasContext.textAlign = textAlign; this._canvasContext.fillText(text, 0, 0); this._canvasContext.restore(); }; var Canvas2D = new Canvas2D_Singleton();
"use strict"; var requestAnimationFrame = (function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); function Game_Singleton() { this.size = undefined; this.spritesStillLoading = 0; this.gameWorld = undefined; this.sound = true; this.mainMenu = new Menu(); } Game_Singleton.prototype.start = function (divName, canvasName, x, y) { this.size = new Vector2(x,y); Canvas2D.initialize(divName, canvasName); this.loadAssets(); this.assetLoadingLoop(); }; Game_Singleton.prototype.initialize = function () { this.gameWorld = new GameWorld(); this.policy = new GamePolicy(); this.initMenus(); AI.init(this.gameWorld, this.policy); }; Game_Singleton.prototype.initMenus = function(inGame){ let labels = generateMainMenuLabels("Classic 8-Ball"); let buttons = generateMainMenuButtons(inGame); this.mainMenu.init ( sprites.mainMenuBackground, labels, buttons, sounds.jazzTune ); } Game_Singleton.prototype.loadSprite = function (imageName) { console.log("Loading sprite: " + imageName); var image = new Image(); image.src = imageName; this.spritesStillLoading += 1; image.onload = function () { Game.spritesStillLoading -= 1; }; return image; }; Game_Singleton.prototype.assetLoadingLoop = function () { if (!this.spritesStillLoading > 0) requestAnimationFrame(Game.assetLoadingLoop); else { Game.initialize(); requestAnimationFrame(this.mainMenu.load.bind(this.mainMenu)); } }; Game_Singleton.prototype.handleInput = function(){ if(Keyboard.down(Keys.escape)){ GAME_STOPPED = true; Game.initMenus(true); requestAnimationFrame(Game.mainMenu.load.bind(this.mainMenu)); } } Game_Singleton.prototype.startNewGame = function(){ = "auto"; Game.gameWorld = new GameWorld(); Game.policy = new GamePolicy(); Canvas2D.clear(); Canvas2D.drawImage( sprites.controls, new Vector2(Game.size.x/2,Game.size.y/2), 0, 1, new Vector2(sprites.controls.width/2,sprites.controls.height/2) ); setTimeout(()=>{ AI.init(Game.gameWorld, Game.policy); if(AI_ON && AI_PLAYER_NUM == 0){ AI.startSession(); } Game.mainLoop(); },5000); } Game_Singleton.prototype.continueGame = function(){ = "auto"; requestAnimationFrame(Game.mainLoop); } Game_Singleton.prototype.mainLoop = function () { if(DISPLAY && !GAME_STOPPED){ Game.gameWorld.handleInput(DELTA); Game.gameWorld.update(DELTA); Canvas2D.clear(); Game.gameWorld.draw(); Mouse.reset(); Game.handleInput(); requestAnimationFrame(Game.mainLoop); } }; var Game = new Game_Singleton();
function GamePolicy(){ this.turn = 0; this.firstCollision = true; let player1TotalScore = new Score(new Vector2(Game.size.x/2 - 75,Game.size.y/2 - 45)); let player2TotalScore = new Score(new Vector2(Game.size.x/2 + 75,Game.size.y/2 - 45)); let player1MatchScore = new Score(new Vector2(Game.size.x/2 - 280,108)); let player2MatchScore = new Score(new Vector2(Game.size.x/2 + 230,108)); this.players = [new Player(player1MatchScore,player1TotalScore), new Player(player2MatchScore,player2TotalScore)]; this.foul = false; this.scored = false; this.won = false; this.turnPlayed = false; this.validBallsInsertedOnTurn = 0; this.leftBorderX = BORDER_SIZE; this.rightBorderX = Game.size.x - BORDER_SIZE; this.topBorderY = BORDER_SIZE; this.bottomBorderY = Game.size.y - BORDER_SIZE; this.topCenterHolePos = new Vector2(750,32); this.bottomCenterHolePos = new Vector2(750,794); this.topLeftHolePos = new Vector2(62,62); this.topRightHolePos = new Vector2(1435,62); this.bottomLeftHolePos = new Vector2(62,762) this.bottomRightHolePos = new Vector2(1435,762); } GamePolicy.prototype.reset = function(){ this.turn = 0; this.players[0].matchScore.value = 0; this.players[0].color = undefined; this.players[1].matchScore.value = 0; this.players[1].color = undefined; this.foul = false; this.scored = false; this.turnPlayed = false; this.won = false; this.firstCollision = true; this.validBallsInsertedOnTurn = 0; } GamePolicy.prototype.drawScores = function(){ Canvas2D.drawText("PLAYER " + (this.turn+1), new Vector2(Game.size.x/2 + 40,200), new Vector2(150,0), "#096834", "top", "Impact", "70px"); this.players[0].totalScore.draw(); this.players[1].totalScore.draw(); this.players[0].matchScore.drawLines(this.players[0].color); this.players[1].matchScore.drawLines(this.players[1].color); } GamePolicy.prototype.checkColisionValidity = function(ball1,ball2){ let currentPlayerColor = this.players[this.turn].color; if(this.players[this.turn].matchScore.value == 7 && (ball1.color == || ball2.color =={ this.firstCollision = false; return; } if(!this.firstCollision) return; if(currentPlayerColor == undefined){ this.firstCollision = false; return; } if(ball1.color == Color.white){ if(ball2.color != currentPlayerColor){ this.foul = true; } this.firstCollision = false; } if(ball2.color == Color.white){ if(ball1.color != currentPlayerColor){ this.foul = true; } this.firstCollision = false; } } GamePolicy.prototype.handleBallInHole = function(ball){ setTimeout(function(){ball.out();}, 100); let currentPlayer = this.players[this.turn]; let secondPlayer = this.players[(this.turn+1)%2]; if(currentPlayer.color == undefined){ if(ball.color ==={ currentPlayer.color =; secondPlayer.color = Color.yellow; } else if(ball.color === Color.yellow){ currentPlayer.color = Color.yellow; secondPlayer.color =; } else if(ball.color ==={ this.won = true; this.foul = true; } else if(ball.color === Color.white){ this.foul = true; } } if(currentPlayer.color === ball.color){ currentPlayer.matchScore.increment(); this.scored = true; this.validBallsInsertedOnTurn++; } else if(ball.color === Color.white){ if(currentPlayer.color != undefined){ this.foul = true; let ballsSet = Game.gameWorld.getBallsSetByColor(currentPlayer.color); let allBallsInHole = true; for (var i = 0 ; i < ballsSet.length; i++){ if(!ballsSet[i].inHole){ allBallsInHole = false; } } if(allBallsInHole){ this.won = true; } } } else if(ball.color ==={ if(currentPlayer.color != undefined){ let ballsSet = Game.gameWorld.getBallsSetByColor(currentPlayer.color); for (var i = 0 ; i < ballsSet.length; i++){ if(!ballsSet[i].inHole){ this.foul = true; } } this.won = true; } } else{ secondPlayer.matchScore.increment(); this.foul = true; } } GamePolicy.prototype.switchTurns = function(){ this.turn++; this.turn%=2; } GamePolicy.prototype.updateTurnOutcome = function(){ if(!this.turnPlayed){ return; } if(this.firstCollision == true){ this.foul = true; } if(this.won){ if(!this.foul){ this.players[this.turn].totalScore.increment(); if(AI.finishedSession){ this.reset() setTimeout(function(){Game.gameWorld.reset(); }, 1000); } } else{ this.players[(this.turn+1)%2].totalScore.increment(); if(AI.finishedSession){ this.reset(); setTimeout(function(){Game.gameWorld.reset(); }, 1000); } } return; } if(!this.scored || this.foul) this.switchTurns(); this.scored = false; this.turnPlayed = false; this.firstCollision = true; this.validBallsInsertedOnTurn = 0; setTimeout(function(){Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.visible=true;}, 200); if(AI_ON && this.turn === AI_PLAYER_NUM && AI.finishedSession){ AI.startSession(); } } GamePolicy.prototype.handleFoul = function(){ if(!Mouse.left.down){ Game.gameWorld.whiteBall.position = Mouse.position; } } GamePolicy.prototype.isXOutsideLeftBorder = function(pos, origin){ return (pos.x - origin.x) < this.leftBorderX; } GamePolicy.prototype.isXOutsideRightBorder = function(pos, origin){ return (pos.x + origin.x) > this.rightBorderX; } GamePolicy.prototype.isYOutsideTopBorder = function(pos, origin){ return (pos.y - origin.y) < this.topBorderY; } GamePolicy.prototype.isYOutsideBottomBorder = function(pos , origin){ return (pos.y + origin.y) > this.bottomBorderY; } GamePolicy.prototype.isOutsideBorder = function(pos,origin){ return this.isXOutsideLeftBorder(pos,origin) || this.isXOutsideRightBorder(pos,origin) || this.isYOutsideTopBorder(pos, origin) || this.isYOutsideBottomBorder(pos , origin); } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideTopLeftHole = function(pos){ return this.topLeftHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < HOLE_RADIUS; } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideTopRightHole = function(pos){ return this.topRightHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < HOLE_RADIUS; } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideBottomLeftHole = function(pos){ return this.bottomLeftHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < HOLE_RADIUS; } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideBottomRightHole = function(pos){ return this.bottomRightHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < HOLE_RADIUS; } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideTopCenterHole = function(pos){ return this.topCenterHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < (HOLE_RADIUS + 6); } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideBottomCenterHole = function(pos){ return this.bottomCenterHolePos.distanceFrom(pos) < (HOLE_RADIUS + 6); } GamePolicy.prototype.isInsideHole = function(pos){ return this.isInsideTopLeftHole(pos) || this.isInsideTopRightHole(pos) || this.isInsideBottomLeftHole(pos) || this.isInsideBottomRightHole(pos) || this.isInsideTopCenterHole(pos) || this.isInsideBottomCenterHole(pos); } GamePolicy.prototype.initiateState = function(policyState){ this.turn = policyState.turn; this.firstCollision = policyState.firstCollision; this.foul = policyState.foul; this.scored = policyState.scored; this.won = policyState.won; this.turnPlayed = policyState.turnPlayed; this.validBallsInsertedOnTurn = policyState.validBallsInsertedOnTurn; this.players[0].totalScore.value = policyState.players[0].totalScore.value; this.players[1].totalScore.value = policyState.players[1].totalScore.value; this.players[0].matchScore.value = policyState.players[0].matchScore.value; this.players[0].color = policyState.players[0].color; this.players[1].matchScore.value = policyState.players[1].matchScore.value; this.players[1].color = policyState.players[1].color; }
"use strict"; function GameWorld() { this.whiteBallStartingPosition = new Vector2(413,413); this.redBalls = [ new Ball(new Vector2(1056,433),,//3 new Ball(new Vector2(1090,374),,//4 new Ball(new Vector2(1126,393),,//8 new Ball(new Vector2(1126,472),,//10; new Ball(new Vector2(1162,335),,//11 new Ball(new Vector2(1162,374),,//12 new Ball(new Vector2(1162,452), ] this.yellowBalls = [ new Ball(new Vector2(1022,413),Color.yellow),//1 new Ball(new Vector2(1056,393),Color.yellow),//2 new Ball(new Vector2(1090,452),Color.yellow),//6 new Ball(new Vector2(1126,354),Color.yellow),//7 new Ball(new Vector2(1126,433),Color.yellow),//9 new Ball(new Vector2(1162,413),Color.yellow),//13 new Ball(new Vector2(1162,491),Color.yellow)//15 ]; this.whiteBall = new Ball(new Vector2(413,413),Color.white); this.blackBall = new Ball(new Vector2(1090,413),; this.balls = [ this.yellowBalls[0], this.yellowBalls[1], this.redBalls[0], this.redBalls[1], this.blackBall, this.yellowBalls[2], this.yellowBalls[3], this.redBalls[2], this.yellowBalls[4], this.redBalls[3], this.redBalls[4], this.redBalls[5], this.yellowBalls[5], this.redBalls[6], this.yellowBalls[6], this.whiteBall] this.stick = new Stick({ x : 413, y : 413 }); this.gameOver = false; } GameWorld.prototype.getBallsSetByColor = function(color){ if(color ==={ return this.redBalls; } if(color === Color.yellow){ return this.yellowBalls; } if(color === Color.white){ return this.whiteBall; } if(color ==={ return this.blackBall; } } GameWorld.prototype.handleInput = function (delta) { this.stick.handleInput(delta); }; GameWorld.prototype.update = function (delta) { this.stick.update(delta); for (var i = 0 ; i < this.balls.length; i++){ for(var j = i + 1 ; j < this.balls.length ; j++){ this.handleCollision(this.balls[i], this.balls[j], delta); } } for (var i = 0 ; i < this.balls.length; i++) { this.balls[i].update(delta); } if(!this.ballsMoving() && AI.finishedSession){ Game.policy.updateTurnOutcome(); if(Game.policy.foul){ this.ballInHand(); } } }; GameWorld.prototype.ballInHand = function(){ if(AI_ON && Game.policy.turn === AI_PLAYER_NUM){ return; } KEYBOARD_INPUT_ON = false; this.stick.visible = false; if(!Mouse.left.down){ this.whiteBall.position = Mouse.position; } else{ let ballsOverlap = this.whiteBallOverlapsBalls(); if(!Game.policy.isOutsideBorder(Mouse.position,this.whiteBall.origin) && !Game.policy.isInsideHole(Mouse.position) && !ballsOverlap){ KEYBOARD_INPUT_ON = true; Keyboard.reset(); Mouse.reset(); this.whiteBall.position = Mouse.position; this.whiteBall.inHole = false; Game.policy.foul = false; this.stick.position = this.whiteBall.position; this.stick.visible = true; } } } GameWorld.prototype.whiteBallOverlapsBalls = function(){ let ballsOverlap = false; for (var i = 0 ; i < this.balls.length; i++) { if(this.whiteBall !== this.balls[i]){ if(this.whiteBall.position.distanceFrom(this.balls[i].position)<BALL_SIZE){ ballsOverlap = true; } } } return ballsOverlap; } GameWorld.prototype.ballsMoving = function(){ var ballsMoving = false; for (var i = 0 ; i < this.balls.length; i++) { if(this.balls[i].moving){ ballsMoving = true; } } return ballsMoving; } GameWorld.prototype.handleCollision = function(ball1, ball2, delta){ if(ball1.inHole || ball2.inHole) return; if(!ball1.moving && !ball2.moving) return; var ball1NewPos = ball1.position.add(ball1.velocity.multiply(delta)); var ball2NewPos = ball2.position.add(ball2.velocity.multiply(delta)); var dist = ball1NewPos.distanceFrom(ball2NewPos); if(dist<BALL_SIZE){ Game.policy.checkColisionValidity(ball1, ball2); var power = (Math.abs(ball1.velocity.x) + Math.abs(ball1.velocity.y)) + (Math.abs(ball2.velocity.x) + Math.abs(ball2.velocity.y)); power = power * 0.00482; if(Game.sound && SOUND_ON){ var ballsCollide = sounds.ballsCollide.cloneNode(true); ballsCollide.volume = (power/(20))<1?(power/(20)):1;; } var opposite = ball1.position.y - ball2.position.y; var adjacent = ball1.position.x - ball2.position.x; var rotation = Math.atan2(opposite, adjacent); ball1.moving = true; ball2.moving = true; var velocity2 = new Vector2(90*Math.cos(rotation + Math.PI)*power,90*Math.sin(rotation + Math.PI)*power); ball2.velocity = ball2.velocity.addTo(velocity2); ball2.velocity.multiplyWith(0.97); var velocity1 = new Vector2(90*Math.cos(rotation)*power,90*Math.sin(rotation)*power); ball1.velocity = ball1.velocity.addTo(velocity1); ball1.velocity.multiplyWith(0.97); } } GameWorld.prototype.draw = function () { Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.background); Game.policy.drawScores(); for (var i = 0; i < this.balls.length; i++) { this.balls[i].draw(); } this.stick.draw(); }; GameWorld.prototype.reset = function () { this.gameOver = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.balls.length; i++) { this.balls[i].reset(); } this.stick.reset(); if(AI_ON && AI_PLAYER_NUM === 0){ AI.startSession(); } }; GameWorld.prototype.initiateState = function(balls){ for (var i = 0; i < this.balls.length; i++) { this.balls[i].position.x = balls[i].position.x; this.balls[i].position.y = balls[i].position.y; this.balls[i].visible = balls[i].visible; this.balls[i].inHole = balls[i].inHole; } this.stick.position = this.whiteBall.position; }
const LOG = false; const BALL_SIZE = 38; const BORDER_SIZE = 57; const HOLE_RADIUS = 46; const DELTA = 1/100; let DISPLAY = true; let SOUND_ON = true; let GAME_STOPPED = true; let KEYBOARD_INPUT_ON = true; let TRAIN_ITER = 100; let AI_ON = true; let AI_PLAYER_NUM = 1; let DISPLAY_TRAINING = false;
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