Hex Color/Shades Generator of Given Color Using JavaScript values.js React
App.js index.css SingleColor.js utils.js Screenshot of Hex Color/Shades Generator of Given Color Using JavaScript values.js React
App.js index.css SingleColor.js utils.js Screenshot of Hex Color/Shades Generator of Given Color Using JavaScript values.js React
index.js Now create a folder named public and inside it make a css folder and inside it make a home.css file. After that, copy/paste the below code into it. home.css And now make views folder inside the root directory and inside it make two files namely home.ejs and error.ejs home.ejs error.ejs Bitly URL Shortener Clone Screenshot
CRUD App with React Hooks (+Axios) A simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) app with React Hooks (+Axios) consuming a simple Node.js API server (+Sequelize Sqlite). Install Dependencies React.js Express SQLite3 CRUD App Using Sequelize & Node.js index.js Frontend Dependencies DEPENDENCIES LINKS axios link querystring link react link react-dom link react-scripts link CSS Style – … Read more
Install Dependencies Scrape YouTube Keyword Suggestions Using Node.js Express Puppeteer index.js views/index.ejs
You might have recently noticed a strange error in Google Search Console’s URL inspection tool. The error is “HTTPS is invalid and might prevent it from being indexed“. This error caused massive confusion among the SEO community and website owners. Don’t worry. Today, I’ll help you understand this error. HTTPS is invalid and might prevent … Read more
Mermaid Live Editor is an online tool that allows us to create, edit, preview, and share Mermaid diagrams/charts. It is a live editor, so you will see the output in real-time. Mermaid Live Editor is an open-source tool that makes it completely free to use for personal or commercial projects. Basically, Mermaid Editor was created … Read more
Mermaid Comments You can add comments in Mermaid.js after double percent signs %% The comments functionality was added in Mermaid.js release 0.2.16. Initially, there were some issues with the Mermaid comments implementation. For example, comments were not working on class diagrams, but the issue was fixed on Dec 2, 2019. Why Should I Use Mermaid … Read more
Mermaid JS Themes index.js theme-base.js theme-dark.js theme-default.js theme-forest.js theme-helpers.js theme-neutral.js