npx create-react-app alertdemo
cd alertdemo
npm i notyf
Notyf is a minimalistic JavaScript library for toast notifications. It is responsive, A11Y compatible, dependency-free, and has a very lightweight footprint (~3KB). Notyf can be easily integrated with React, Angular, Aurelia, Vue, and Svelte.
- Responsive
- A11Y compatible
- Strongly typed codebase (TypeScript Typings readily available)
- 4 types of bundles exposed: ES6, CommonJS, UMD, and IIFE (for vanilla, framework-free usage).
- End-to-end testing with Cypress
- Easily plugable to modern frameworks. Recipes available to integrate with React, Angular, Aurelia, Vue, and Svelte.
- Optional ripple-like fancy revealing effect
- Simple but highly extensible API. Create your own toast types and customize them.
- Support to render custom HTML content within the toasts
- Tiny footprint (<3K gzipped)
- Works on IE11
Usage in Browser
<html> <head> ... <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> ... <script src=""></script> </body> </html>
Basic Alert Messages in JavaScript
// Create an instance of Notyf var notyf = new Notyf(); // Display an error notification notyf.error('You must fill out the form before moving forward'); // Display a success notification notyf.success('Your changes have been successfully saved!');
Global Configuration
The following example configures Notyf with the following settings:
- 1s duration
- Render notifications in the top-right corner
- New custom notification called ‘warning’ with a ligature material icon
- Error notification with custom duration, color and dismiss button
const notyf = new Notyf({ duration: 1000, position: { x: 'right', y: 'top', }, types: [ { type: 'warning', background: 'orange', icon: { className: 'material-icons', tagName: 'i', text: 'warning' } }, { type: 'error', background: 'indianred', duration: 2000, dismissible: true } ] });
Custom toast type
const notyf = new Notyf({ types: [ { type: 'info', background: 'blue', icon: false } ] });{ type: 'info', message: 'Send us <b>an email</b> to get support' });
Full Source Code to Show Alert Notification Messages Using React.js Notyf Library
import React from 'react' import { Notyf } from 'notyf'; import 'notyf/notyf.min.css'; // for React, Vue and Svelte function App() { const notyf = new Notyf(); const successAlert = () => { notyf.success("This is a basic Alert") } const errorAlert = () => { let error = new Notyf({ duration:1000, position:{ x:'right', y:'top' }, dismissible:true }) error.error("This is an error Alert") } const customAlert = () => { const notyf = new Notyf({ types: [ { type: 'custom', background: 'blue', icon: false } ] });{ type: 'custom', message: 'Send us <b>an email</b> to get support' }); } return ( <div> <button onClick={successAlert}>Success Alert</button> <button onClick={errorAlert}>Error Alert</button> <button onClick={customAlert}>Custom Toast Alert</button> </div> ) } export default App