npx create-react-app notistackdemo
cd notistackdemo
npm i notistack
npm i @mui/material
npm i @emotion/react
npm i @emotion/styled
import { SnackbarProvider, enqueueSnackbar } from 'notistack' import MessageButtons from './MessageButtons' const App = () => { return ( <div> <SnackbarProvider maxSnack={4}> <MessageButtons /> </SnackbarProvider> </div> ) } export default App
import React, { useCallback, Fragment } from 'react'; import Button from '@mui/material/Button'; import Paper from '@mui/material/Paper'; import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack'; const styles = { root: { flexGrow: 1, display: 'flex', margin: 16, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'middle' }, button: { margin: 8, borderColor: '#313131', color: '#313131' }, success: { borderColor: '#43a047', color: '#43a047' }, error: { borderColor: '#d32f2f', color: '#d32f2f' }, info: { borderColor: '#2979ff', color: '#2979ff' }, warning: { borderColor: '#ffa000', color: '#ffa000' } }; const buttons = [ { variant: 'success', message: 'Successfully done the operation.' }, { variant: 'error', message: 'Something went wrong.' }, { variant: 'warning', message: 'Something could go wrong' }, { variant: 'info', message: 'For your info...' } ]; const MessageButtons = () => { const { enqueueSnackbar, closeSnackbar } = useSnackbar(); const handleClick = useCallback((button) => () => { enqueueSnackbar(button.message, { variant: button.variant }); }, [enqueueSnackbar]); const handleClickWithAction = useCallback(() => { enqueueSnackbar('I use snackbars responsibly', { variant: 'default', action: (key) => ( <Fragment> <Button size='small' onClick={() => alert(`Clicked on action of snackbar with id: ${key}`)} > Detail </Button> <Button size='small' onClick={() => closeSnackbar(key)}> Dismiss </Button> </Fragment> ) }); }, [enqueueSnackbar, closeSnackbar]); return ( <Paper style={styles.root}> { => ( <Button key={button.variant} variant='outlined' style={{ ...styles.button, ...styles[button.variant] }} onClick={handleClick(button)} > {button.variant} </Button> ))} <Button variant='outlined' style={styles.button} onClick={handleClickWithAction} > default </Button> </Paper> ); }; export default MessageButtons;
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